Everything you need for travel entertainment!
Window Jammers® are the Best!
Window Jammers® are a patented, low-tech, highly engaging car toy for hours of imagination-fueled entertainment using the real world!

Get your Parents’ Choice Award® Winning creative play toys Now!

No Batteries. No Wi-Fi. No Limits!
Kids today need contact with real life, imagination-building toys! Unplug!

Grey Matters
Flambi Toys™ is committed to cultivating creativity in children (and grown-ups!). Window Jammers® encourages children of all ages to develop their imaginations by inventing their own entertainment and engaging with the environment around them. (The real, live world!)
Window Jammers® help kids turn a ride in a car, long or short, or a ride on a bus or train or even just looking out the front window, into an action-packed journey through any landscape.
“My boys loved the idea instantly. The younger one was so intensely focused on his imagination with the first one that he never put it down. It made the ride go by fast for him. The older boys were interested in all the different kinds. They wanted to switch between different characters, etc. As a teacher and a mom, I absolutely love toys that engage the mind and imagination of my kiddos. Window Jammers® should be in every car!”
“Our new Window Jammers® were life-savers on our road trip last weekend! My kids entertained themselves for hours, ‘driving’ and ‘flying’ over the passing terrain, and switching characters with each other!”
“It’s been nice to have a travel toy that stimulates my daughter’s imagination – it’s a treat to hear her make up scenarios that her Window Jammer® pal is experiencing. Instead of staring blankly at an LCD, she’s using her imagination! I can’t put into words how happy that makes me!”

What child (or adult) has not stared out the window of a car or train or a bus and daydreamed of a spaceship or motorcycle or a pixie fairy cruising along the horizon, leaping over pitched roofs and hills? Window Jammers® start with a sturdy plastic card featuring a colorful character printed on both sides. The card, or “Jammer,” sticks on the end of a telescoping “Jammer Stick” with a powerful suction cup. Players move the Jammer around on the window driving on, flying over, or smashing through the passing landscape and obstacles. Dozens of the coolest, most imaginative Jammers ever are in the works so STAY TUNED!
Collect your favorite Jammer characters to use over and over again, or to trade with your friends! Jammers and all their crazy flying, jumping, flipping, speeding stunts are only limited by your imagination!